Left to Right: The New 2009 Hardrock, 2009 Mountain Masochist and my dear 'ole Continential Divides.
This afternoon I received a pair of sample Montrail 2009 Hardrocks and Mountain Masochists to wear. I know the new HR are reportedly much different from the "old" ones... (less "burly")yet since I have been such a loyal Leona and Continential Divide wearer, going to something more stable and beefy was never necessary. So I personally can't make a comparison to the "old" HR.
Last month I got a chance to see the Mountain Masochist at a pre race meeting for the race with the same name and was intrigued by the lightness and meaningful tread on the bottom.
I had a late night from work today and have only been able to try them on at this point-yet offer these 1st impressions:
Masochist: light. snug heel, low to the ground, narrow toe box (I anticipate needing to tape and glide my little toe on my R foot due to where the middle piece of webbing attaches to the top of the shoe). Arch placement of R and L shoes seem different. I usually use superfeet as an insert, yet will "test" with original insole before switching. Wearing in my kitchen cleaning dishes makes me want to run!
HR: Reminds me of the Gortex Hurricane Ridge. Firm. Generous but not too big toe box. Snug heel. Really cool looking. Lacing system a little complicated for cold/wet hands needing to re tie shoes. They need to be testing on the rocks of the Appalachian Trail asap!
I plan on some good rocky, muddy runs of distance this weekend in the Southern Applachians while so many of my ultrarunning friends are surviving Horton's Hellgate 100k or the Sunmart races in TX!
I love the Mountain Masochist. I basically think of them as a slightly more supportive Streak with no extra weight. Should be a great 100 mile shoe.
I am anxious to hear your feelings about the new Masochist. I was also able to look at the new shoe during the pre-race festivities at Masochist. I want to try the Masochist as soon as it hits the market. As for me this weekend, I will be wearing my Streaks to help me survive Horton's Hellgate. Enjoy your runs this weekend and thank you for your first impressions! Rick
Good luck on your runs this weekend. I am intrigued by the Masochists. I really like the Streaks and they worked grat at MMT, but a little more support would make them ideal. Thus, masochists might be right up my alley.
hello annette...
I tried to have information on the shoe masochist and I fell on your blog haughtiness I look forward to your experience feedback on the masochist shoe Good continuation and good luck for your races
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